Monday, July 13, 2009

Cactus Monday - Around the Visitor Center

This time of year, Gambel's Quail are common fixtures around the prickly pears outside the visitor center.
Inside the courtyard, Cactus Wren's nests in cholla cacti have been active for the past couple of months. The parents have already raised several broods this year.
Through this opening, I like to peek at what's happening out in the desert east of the courtyard. Often lizards, rabbits or Cardinals are looking for things to eat.
The image below has been Photoshopped. I found that the reflections of the cacti show up better with a watercolor filter and sandstone texture applied.

Behind the visitor center, a puddle of rainwater reflects part of a saguaro. Most of the saguaro flowers and fruit have dried up or been eaten by birds.
The barrel cacti are starting to bloom. Happy Cactus Monday!
Visit more cactus posts via Teri's Painted Daisies.


  1. wow, what a beautiful flower Diane. oh, I should come up with one too, I have been thinking about this last night but was too tired and busy to compose one, hopefully I can make it later of the day. i like that picture of the saguaro above the cacti flower.

  2. GREAT photos Diane! Love those quail and the shot of the cactus through the window is so creatively done. I always love coming here to see 'home'.


  3. i do so wish i had these views. what beauty. hcm fellow cactuteer.

  4. Those are beautiful photos of the quail! I like the view through that opening also..Wonderful post!

  5. It seems like everytime I see quail, there's several babies following closely behind. They are so cute. I love your first picture of that quail :)

  6. Very nice captures Diane. I really like the reflection shot you tweaked. I really need to visit Sabino Canyon this winter.

  7. Great Cactus-Post, Diane... I always enjoy seeing these on Mondays. That Visitor Center must be a great place--and I'll bet it attracts lots of visitors!!!!


  8. The picture of the cactus through the window is wonderful - I love it!

  9. Diane, the Quails and Wrens seem like happy birds. The shot through the opening is great. Did it just rain for that puddle to form? I imagine the drainage in the desert is excellent.
    Very pretty bloom on the barrel cactus.

  10. Ah, I will be there this thursday morning for a bird survey. I bet I will see lots of quail and cactus wrens! I hope its not too hot! Nice shots!

  11. You have such an amazing eye!

    Thought that little guy was a roadrunner until you explained he's a wren.

    And you know what? I heard somewhere that nature and wildlife photos can fetch a ton. Sounds right up your alley.

  12. I love the shot of the cactus

  13. this is my first time seeing a picture of a quali, thanks for sharing!

  14. I'm used to birds in bushes but cactus (since they don't just grow in here) seems so unreal as a home. Funny how location changes perspective.

  15. You live in a magical, wonderful place don't you??? LOL! What beautiful scenery and plants, buildings, animals, birds...just everything!!! Lordy!!!
    Happy Cactus Monday to you!

  16. Great shots, Diane, I love the way you framed the catus through the port. Of course, blooming cactus and quail are favorites of mine.

  17. Very inspiring post as always Daine C!
    I love the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th shots a lot!
    My favourite shot is shot number 4.
    I stopped by and meditate.
    So meaningful to me:)

  18. I love the feather on the quails head Diane. :) The cacti are so pretty when they bloom and it seems like such a contrast to those thorns.

  19. Beautiful snaps. These are the cactus I am more familiar with green in color.

  20. Really enjoyed this post. Marvellous photographs of cactii & birds.

