Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Backyard Critters

Here are some of the creatures I've seen around our house this month. Some of these small wonders live here all the time while others are just passing through.
Desert Tortoise
House Finch trying to keep cool on the Feather Bush (Lysiloma watsonii)
Sonoran Desert Toad by the dryer vent
Praying Mantis, Desert Tarantula, Wolf Spider, Bark Scorpion
Desert Kingsnake near the water faucet
Lesser Goldfinches brightening up the backyard on a cloudy day
Baby Couch's Spadefoot
Box turtle emerging from the compost pile
Desert Spiny Lizard
Canyon Treefrog
Old Cat Billy ready for his nap
Broad-billed Hummingbird in the rain at dusk
I never know what I'll find, so I try to watch where I step and keep the camera ready.


  1. Diane,
    What a wonderful collection of critters! My son would love to chase those frogs and lizards..The snake gives me a chill though..

  2. oh, i love your backyard, i would love to see a desert tortoise, i always look our for them in the desert but did not get lucky yet.

  3. Yikes and wow and ah all in the same post. Great and wonderful shots of nature! You sure have a lot of visitors.

  4. Diane, you are amazingly observant, and obviuosly have to be. So glad you carry a camera to share these remarkable images of the creatures around you. Isn't bark scorpion the most deadly? The Goldfinches look like notes of nature's music. Excellent!

    I will visit your neighborhood someday. Maybe this winter?

  5. Well, I just love Baby Couch's big bulging eyes! You sure have some interesting critters around your place. Your tree frogs must be nocturnal, like mine. It looks pretty bright in that shot!

  6. You do have alot of critters, Diane. Some of them make me shiver!!!! ha.... Love the yawning cat. He must have had a busy day --working very hard!!!!!! ha

    Your hummer is gorgeous also.

  7. You've got some "cool" critter visiting your back yard. Billy is the coolest of them all!

  8. I must say that that is a wide variety of critters and I must also say that I PRAY I don't see a few of those in my backyard. eeks! :D

  9. Lots of visitors in your garden, Old cat Billy's expression is so funny. Pet is taking a nap and human beings have to work. LOL!

  10. I'm gonna say you had better watch where you sleep with all the snakes and giant toads around!!! OMG!

  11. Wow, you sure live in an interesting and lively place. I'd love to live somewhere away from the city too, but not in the desert because there are the scariest creatures (like snakes and lizards).

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog - I really appreciate it :O)

  12. I always love visiting your blog! Thanks for sharing.

  13. I love the toad! Old cat Billy is making me yawn too - why is it that when we see someone yawn it creates a response yawn?!

  14. You have got an amazing variety of desert creatures and a wonderful eye to catch them so well!

  15. Hi
    You must be living in a great wonderful place with so many interesting creatures around. And you shoot such amazing photographs.
    Have a great day. Ram

  16. Diane, since you were interested in Plato's caves a while ago, you could google "Ring of Gyges." It's also Plato. The escape from the labyrinth, is, of course, Icarus who flew too close to the sun. You may also want to consider how the title of the post fits in. Think about the other two shots, as well.

  17. Diane, there are some thoughts about how the house fits in to the power theme at around comment 20.

  18. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post!!! :D I am a reptile and amphibian 'freak' and these photos are REMARKABLE!! Just stunning. They are like a whole wildlife book on reptiles. You could do a book like that. You are soooooo talented. What a thrill. Thank you so much. Hugs, Robin :)

  19. Love these critters Diane. I am always trying to find things like scorpions but have only managed to find 2 so far. Hopefully this coming summer I find find more.

  20. You have the actual beginnings of a Noah's ARk story going on here...What unbelieveable variety! Fabulous shots! :)

  21. After seeing all of these critters, I think I'm glad I live in LA. I'm not sure I want all of these guys in my backyard. :)

  22. i must say! my young sons will have a field day right in your garden!!!

  23. Fun images! I think I could get into lizards and toads if I lived out west!
