Thursday, July 9, 2009

Monsoon Season

Monsoon Season is one of my favorites times of year at Sabino Canyon. The creek resumes flowing, animals are more active, plants look lush, and colors are brighter under the cloud cover. As you might guess, the weather is hot and humid, but the canyon beckons me, so I go. These are some of the highlights from walks near the creek in June and July after the rains.
Sabino Dam

Sabino Creek - Lower Sabino Canyon

Cloak Fern on Sabino Lake Trail

Desert Spiny Lizard and Lichens on rocks - Lower Sabino Canyon

Just days ago, Sabino Lake was dry and Chris and I were walking in it.

Mallard in Sabino Lake

Canyon Treefrog by Sabino Creek

Sabino Creek by Bluff Trail

Sonoran Coral Snake - Upper Sabino Canyon

Clark's Spiny Lizard - Upper Sabino Canyon

Western Patch-nosed Snake - Upper Sabino Canyon

Black-throated Sparrow - Upper Sabino Canyon

Sonoran Desert Toad in a creek pool - Upper Sabino Canyon
With the summer storms comes unreliable internet service to this area. We couldn't go online for 15 hours yesterday. Now that it's working, I can catch up on my blog reading. I do enjoy seeing what's happening in the blogosphere community. Have a great day!


  1. Oh Diane, those are just beautiful pictures, and the water is really very soothing..My favorite has gotten to be the duck in the water..

    Take care and have a great day!

  2. Now I understand why my cacti occasionally enjoy a real soaking. It's fascinating for me to see an actual desert. I always glean useful information on your blog, Diane.

  3. I really love your posts here in your blog Diane, you are really showing the diversity of life in the desert. I am always fascinated with the life in the desert, some would think they are almost lifeless, but for someone like you who knows to look deeper, knows and understands the many forms of life there. Whenever we are out in the desert, I always look for these animals, sometimes even just seeing them without taking a picture makes me very happy already. And being here in your blog, seeing the different kinds of life you've got makes me feel like I was there. i love your pictures, i don't think i have seen some before, especially that coral snake, very interesting stripes. love the water too, so peaceful.

  4. So THAT'S what it looks like during monsoons. Beautiful! Great photos!

  5. Hi Dianne, looks like there were a lot of interesting reptiles there too. Also, you were obviously not scared of them ;-)

  6. Hi Diane, Beautiful pictures of the dam and creek... I'll bet the animals (especially the ones who live in or near water) love this season!!!!!

    Be careful if you are out in those storms.

  7. It's great to see that the Southwest is receiving a healthy monsoon this year! When I worked in the region, most of the monsoons were pretty weak.

  8. I love how you've captured the rapid change in the desert canyon. Monsoon season is awesome. We seem to be only getting threats of rain. Sure could use some. Your captures are awesome Diane!

  9. Rain in the desert has such reviving qualities which are revealed in your photos. The mallard seems content to paddle around.

  10. ...and the world comes alive!!

    It's one of my favorite times, too, Diane. We're still waiting for ours. Soon! My knee-high pink plaid boots are ready. :)

  11. Your post was like a mini visit to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, with all the creatures you found on your walk.

    Hot and humid? Come visit me in Indiana - we'll show you hot and humid. Makes humid in AZ look mighty comfortable. :)

    As always, you have great posts that make me terribly homesick for AZ and yearn for when I can go back.

  12. Hi Diane!

    Thank you again for your visit! And I love what you are up to as well. I also have a nature photography site, so I really enojoy your pictures, especially all the ones with the neat little critters :)

  13. Hi Diane
    Exquisite pictures of the flora & fauna, the dam & creek.Desert areas have their own charm and these are well reflected in your shots.How did you manage some of the wonderful closeups- loved the shots of the snake, sparrow, mallard, tree frog. Is Sabino Canyoun close to Phoenix /

    Regards Ram

  14. What magic the monsoon brings. That is an impressive amount of water flowing in the canyon. The rain didn't reach up our way this time, maybe later in the season.

  15. Awesome pictures- I am just reveling in this lovely weather too! Those snakes though- wow! I've not quite overcome my fear of them. I also had no idea there were coral snakes here...I always learn a bit from your posts!

  16. The monsoon has not worked its way North.... yet. I love monsoon season except for the mess it makes in the pool. Your pictures, as always, are fantastic!

  17. How wonderful! We only have rains Jan/Feb time. Loved your pics.

  18. What a big difference the rain makes. Having lived so many years in the bush, I love every drop that falls. I have seen too much damage caused during a drought. I love your lizards and snakes Diane.

  19. Very beautiful creek, I went to Grand Canyon and Sedona during my last trip to Arizona. The creek will be a good spot to visit. Thanks for your wonderful post, I'm enjoying your blog, just add it to my favorite blog list.

    vuejardin from

  20. Such a wonderful life out there at the canyon! For the wild and the free :) Enjoy.

  21. Me again. We're home after a wonderful weekend in the gorgeous North Carolina mountains. I'll post in the morning.

    Hope you had a great weekend. I heard where you all are having some horribly hot weather now.

  22. That toad looks like he is having a good time! ;)
    We got to see some rain in Tucson last week, not a monsoon tho. I've got my days mixed up, but I think it was Thursday we had some good lightning too. 106-it was hot; but I was indoors painting and working on the house.

  23. Diane, for various reasons I have not been to Sabino in months! I can't beleive how high the water is! I have Sonoran Desert toads in my backyared almost every night! I have never seen a coral snake. Wonderful collection of photos here! You sure saw a lot!

  24. Wow! The Sonoran Coral Snake had caught my attention! So colours are so diverse and appealing!

  25. OMG!!!!! I feel like I just looked through an issue of National Geographic!!! These photos were especially spectacular just seeing the water flowing... When we were there for our first and only time in May the landscape was soo different....Thanks for these glorious shots! :)
