Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Trees in the Canyon

In January I posted fall colors, and last month I featured winter trees in Sabino Canyon. Now it's time to show trees with new spring growth. Here's a look at deciduous trees along the stream from different perspectives, beginning near mile marker one, and moving on to the dam.

The first picture below was taken February 21st and all the others were shot in March.

To see all three posts of the trees in different seasons click here.

What do the trees look like in your area?

Here's a delightful response to the above question. Please visit
Sylvan Muse to see some extraordinary tree pictures by Pheonix C.


  1. You have realy captured spring with these wonderful shots!! So pretty. Everytime you post these kind of photos I want to drive right over there!!

  2. It is amazing to see deciduous trees and cacti together in the landscape! The spring green looks beautiful.

    In my area some of the trees are just beginning to break into leaf - I will post some photos soon!

  3. All great pictures of trees! You live in a beautiful area. Our trees are still in hibernation!

  4. I just hiked this transect for our IBA count on Thursday and saw all these same changes! Amazing, isn't it!

  5. Just love these photos. They are so pretty. You live in a very interesting area.


  6. Hi Diane,
    I love the contrast with the vibrant green against the desert background. And the last shot with the waterfall is so nice - what a great shot!

  7. What a difference a month makes! Our trees are still all leafless. Just huge twigs in the sky. :(

  8. Hi There, We're home from our trip to Serenity Falls. I'll post pictures tomorrow morning. It was a WONDERFUL place.

    Love the 'spring' tree pictures---and of course, that waterfall!!!! Wow!

  9. I enjoyed the contrast of the three tree posts. We all are aware of the progress of the seasons but to see it side by side brings it home. The oaks were just leafing out in Lincoln when we left and of course all is green here in the San Fernando valley. Iam anxious to get home and see what changes 10 days have made.
