Monday, March 30, 2009

Cactus Monday - First Blooms

At Sabino Canyon, the cacti usually start blooming after the wildflowers. On March 24th, I found a Saguaro cactus blossoming on a sunny hilltop.

Two days later, I noticed that some of the prickly pears were starting to bloom.

I didn't find any cholla cacti blooming, but this one's buds looked about ready to burst.
To see more Cactus Monday posts, visit Teri's Painted Daisies. And here's the Cactus Monday group pool on Flickr. Happy Cactus Monday!


  1. Fabulous photographs. An amazing sight to me!

  2. I am SO happy you are joining us on Cactus Monday! You have so many wonders of the cactus to share. I have added you to our list and will introduce you next Monday. I also hope to get Mr Linky fixed.

    I can't believe the Saguaro are blooming already!!! Love all those blooms.

  3. It still amazes me that plants with stickers can bloom. Aren't they beautiful!

  4. I've always found it amazing how such pretty flowers bloom on such prickly plants, and they are always such beautiful colors...differnet from other blooms.


  5. Cactus flowers already? We didn't see any last March when we were in AZ. I really want to see the Saguaro in bloom some day.

  6. Beautiful cactus shots!!!
    Thanks and welcome new cactuteer!

    Happy cactus Monday!

  7. Happy Cactus Monday, Diane! Your photos are beautiful. It must be so exciting to go out and find the various species of cacti blooming!

    I'll look at the links to Cactus Monday later today - I'm not very good at doing things on specific days, (typical artist?!) but it sounds really interesting so I'm tempted to join in!

  8. I love Sabino Canyon. Happy Cactus Monday!

  9. The blooms all look really nice. Just think, we had snow flakes all day Sunday.

  10. so beautiful!The yellow flower is so lovely!HCM!

  11. nature is so amazing! Terrific shots...and the color of that sky, wow!

  12. It always seems to be an extra special time in the desert for me when the cactii start blooming like this. Exquisite jewels.

  13. Great saguaro shot...fabulous little tour! :) HCM!

  14. Oh, how interesting...I love to see all the Saguaro blooms, and that last prickly pear blooming purple is cool!!!

  15. Your cactus pics are great Diane. I'd really like to see the sagauro bloom.

  16. Awesome pictures. Love seeing the cactus in bloom. HCM

  17. You are on the spot or in the spot or at the spot!

    Wonderful photos and a joy to look at these blooming beauties...
    Thank You for capturing them even way up on the tip!

    Have a HCM and a great week!

  18. The idea of a cactus blooming still gives me a smile. Being from the midwest, I grew up thinking cacti were just prickly plants, but seeing the color illustrated here, they have a great depth of color, too.

  19. Sorry to be late!
    Happy Cactus Monday and I love the first and the fourth photos a lot! Thanks Diane:)

  20. I love the color of flowers in the last photo. Great pictures, Diane!

  21. Gorgeous, Diane.... I love to see the cactus bloom. We had some Prickly Pears when we lived in Florida--and they were so pretty when they bloomed.


  22. Being from someplace where we really don't see cactuses - this is so neat to see them up close and out in the wild - and blooming, no less! I love these pictures, all of them...

  23. Beautiful cactus blooms. I am new to the cactus blooms, but they can be gorgeous.

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