Thursday, August 6, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Sunset

Greetings from Tucson, Arizona! Here are some of the pictures from our walk in Sabino Canyon Tuesday evening from 7:10pm to 7:44 pm. Later that night we had a good rain first time in about a month.

For more sky pictures from around the world, visit Skywatch Friday.


  1. Nice Blog!
    Great skywatch post!
    I cant wait until Jan. Will spend some time in Tucson. We usually stay at Catalina State park. Love it.
    will then go south..birding in Patagonia and then Sierra vista area.
    Will check out your blog to see what happening in the Tucson area.

  2. What a beautiful sky, the colors are amazing.
    Sunny :)

  3. So many beautiful colors of the sky, Diane! Absolutely amazing!

  4. I would love to be there sometime and experience the air! Great shots.

  5. I accidently clicked yours again..but I noticed a few more. The third one down- wow, it is absolutly awesome! Just think, I could of missed it. Ha, I do that sort of thing too often-

  6. Diane, I completely love that last picture, it is so incredibly peaceful...

  7. You always have the most amazing shots! The one with the power lines looks like you caught the beginning of a dust storm. Thanks for sharing your walk with us. :D

  8. Diane, what a lovely walk! I am missing the rain too. It doesn't look like we are going to get much this year, though we did get a bit out here overnight!

  9. beautiful sky and wonderful landscape. i really love the saguaros, and is it a tree cholla in the 3rd picture? you are really showcasing the amazing beauty of desert Diane, I love all of your pictures.

  10. gorgeous! i've been lucky enough to visit tucson a few times and to hike sabino canyon- it's a very special place!

  11. What lovely images! I love the silhouettes of the saguaros against the sky.

  12. Lovely shots. In the first shot it looks like fire in the sky.

  13. Nice photos.The evening desert landscapes are wonderful.It's interesting to look at a different type of landscape.

  14. These shots make me want to visit your part of the country. My one trip down that way didn't allow me time to get west of NM. Beautiful!

  15. Tremendous coloring in your skies... unbelievable!! And to see cactus is so neat! not something I'm used to seeing here in the mountains...

  16. love all the sunset photos! spectacular!

  17. Gorgeous! Sabino Canyon is always beatufiul, but I have never seen it at sunset. Really lovely!

  18. I love how the gorgeous sunset colors reflect the desert colors. Nice to get a little rain. Great captures Diane.

  19. Hi Diane, Your Arizona skies are amazing and you captured them beautifully...

  20. We live in a beautiful state, don't we? Fantastic pictures!

  21. i absloutely adore your cactus shots. wow, i am envious.

  22. Those saguaro cacti are haunting. Beautiful!!!

  23. pretty pretty pretty!!! I feel so lucky every day of my life to live in Tucson Arizona where the skies are endless entertainment! You capture them so well :)

  24. Hi Diane, How are you?? Love your new blog look. That header is gorgeous. AND--your sky pictures are terrific. I especially like the ones where the big cactus plants are in the photo. That shows where the sky pictures are!!!!

