Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cycling at the Canyon

I'm not sure why I don't own a bike. Perhaps I enjoy the simplicity and slow pace of walking so much that it just hasn't occurred to me to get a bike yet. I sure do enjoy watching cyclists though, and find it similar to observing wildlife in nature.

People of all ages and walks of life ride bikes in harmony with the desert, each other and pedestrians.
Like wildlife, cyclists sometimes travel in packs. There is a collective name for a bunch of cyclists. A 'peloton' from a French term means "rolled up in a ball."

This sign offers a reminder:

The nine bridges are just wide enough for the trams which might be why bikes and shuttles run at different times.*
Here comes another group, quietly coasting along, effortlessly in single file.
The line of cyclists gracefully follows the curves of the path. Bike parts glimmer in the sunlight like reptile scales. I love it.

The riders' athletic abilities, the colors and patterns of their clothing and bicycles all fascinate me. As with birds, I try to capture their shapes, colors and movements with my camera.
After riding in Sabino Canyon, many people load their bikes onto their own vehicles. Resorts and tour companies like this one also organize cycling trips.
And, many locals just keep on riding, right out of the recreation area. I wholeheartedly embrace the idea of people commuting to work, school or errands by bike rather than car when possible, or just cycling for fun or fitness.
It shouldn't surprise me anymore when I go to the canyon to observe plants and animals and I find myself watching people with great interest. After all, people are a part of nature.

*Current cycling hours at Sabino Canyon Recreation Area: Bicycles are allowed on the paved roads before 9:00AM and after 5:00PM. No bikes are permitted on Wednesdays and Saturdays.


  1. You really are an observer of life, of all kinds. Nice that the canyon has separate hours for bikes and trams. Love the old bridge, and the sign. But me, I'd rather walk.

  2. Fascinating post, Diane! You always bring such interesting things in the canyon to show your readers. Many, many thanks!

  3. It's been several years since I've been to Sabino Canyon. I rode the tram but... I don't remember - can you bring your bike on the tram? Like maybe, ride the tram up and your bike down?

  4. Neat idea, but for now, bikes and trams are not allowed at the same time.

  5. The hazardous bridge sign is gruesome. The similarity between bikers and wildlife is a point well taken.
    The bottom left shot (silhouetted bikers) in the 4 panel display is amazing.

  6. I have enough trouble walking up those hills, can't even imagine riding a bike up. Love that photo of the riders with the background sunset.

  7. That is neat, Diane. I haven't ridden a bike since our kids were little. George however rode alot until he moved back to TN. It does look like fun though.

    Thanks for sharing.

  8. That looks like a great place to ride! I love the freedom of biking, I can get farther than on foot but it is quiet and under my own power.

  9. wow, all very interesting pictures, i especially love the picture of the silhouette of bikers with the warm hues of dusk or dawn. I too do not own a bike, well, because I don't bike :) I am too scared to fall since I fell so many times when I was small. That's why I just hiked, and then, I have free hands to take pictures :) But I do love watching cyclists.

  10. Love this post on biking in such a beautiful place. Martha Z alerted me to come visit. My husband and I are avid bikers.

  11. Very cool. My son (age 20) was just talking about this today for when we come out at Christmas. We may look into one of those tours.
    Thx--great pictures.

  12. First, I love your header. It's been a while since I last visited your blog, was too busy. Great great captures and I would so love to ride my bike here too.

  13. How interesting! You don't have a bike? I love cycling! I bet the bridges are fun to cross! You sure have beauty there!

  14. It looks idyllic! But if I cycle I spend all my time trying to keep upright and miss all the scenery!!

  15. Although I used to own a bike, I don't anymore as I would rather walk too. I found I missed to much when riding.:)

  16. That's one great place to bike -- I would get one just to take it there if I were a drive away.

  17. Beautiful views. You are fortunate to have such nice locales where people can cycle. It sure keeps one fit.

  18. Hi! I just found your blog through Annette at A Wisp of Creativity, and I'm really glad I did! As a nature-lover myself, I know I'm going to enjoy visiting your lovely blog again.

    Best wishes from Wisconsin,

  19. Love that sign!

    I think cycling there would be just beautiful!

  20. Hi Diane,
    I love these shots - probably because I'm an avid cyclist! Seeing these cyclists, out in nature - what a bunch of awesome pictures. I want to bike out there!! And I really love the photo of the bridge - that shot is fantastic!

  21. That hazardous bridge sign is HILARIOUS!
    I love your photos and stories... can't wait to follow you this summer.
    Please stop by my garden sometime.

  22. I don't know how I missed this post. Wow, I love the bikes there. I can see myself (even though I don't have a bike like that :) riding on the bridges, breathing the fresh air, and just enjoying the sights.

    I love a good bridge.

  23. Pictures worth a thousand words, the "hazardous Bridge Ahead" sign looks serious and funny too LOL!
