Monday, May 25, 2009

Cactus Monday - More Bloomin' Saguaros

Chris and I went to Sabino Canyon on Friday to enjoy the strange rainy May weather. We only meant to be there a little while, but as usual, the canyon drew us in, and we stayed for hours.

Chris took most of these pictures. I had used up my camera batteries on reptiles and round-tailed ground squirrels. Perhaps you'll see some of those small wonders on future blog posts.
In the above photo, I like how Chris included the edge of the saguaro in the foreground and the brooding sky in the background.
Near the creek, we watched this rock squirrel gorging on saguaro blossoms briefly. Then, it scampered away with full cheeks.
I played around with the photo below making it all black and white except for the cactus. The Palo Verde tree in the background was nearly the same green color as the saguaro buds that I wanted to show off.

Follow up: Here's the same saguaro four days later with some blossoms open. For about a month, a few buds bloom each night. Each flower lasts until midday then closes forever.

In June, the saguaro blossoms finish up and fruit will set. Then, the red ripe fruit splits open, resembling flowers. I guess I have it made here with the cactus photo opportunities.

Find more Cactus Monday posts at Teri's Painted Daisies.


  1. Your photos and Chris' photos on the saguaro flowers are just amazing. I would love to see them in person!

  2. Your photos are great, love the little guy on top of the cactus flowers. Happy Cactus Monday!
    and Have a great memorial day!

  3. A while back you posted about a Finch Sock. I bought one at Target. I put it outside my office window :) A week later, the seeds are almost gone. The birds in the neighborhood must have told all their friends about it. Thank you for your wonderful and informative posts.

  4. What a beautiful world you live in Diane. Chris' photos are great, love the squirrel and the stormy skies.

  5. Those blooms are just gorgeous! And the squirrel adds a lot and makes it so natural. Your rain in May is sure unusual but makes for beautiful and dramatic skies.


  6. The Palo Verde is spectacular, it gives me the feeling of a super modern high-rise - hm! Might have to go there...

    Thanks for such spectacular photos and details --- and the inspiration!
    Have a wonderful week - Memorial Day and a HCM!

  7. Beautiful photos, Diane and Chris... You captured so much beauty in the canyon. I love seeing all of the cactus blooms.

    Have a great day.

  8. Wow! I love the photos of the rock squirrel eating the saguaro blossoms. Great photo op.

  9. I wonder how that rock squirrel can get up there without getting a belly full of pricklies.

  10. I love what you did with the black and white. I need to learn how to do that..............:)

    Oh, and squirrel is so cute sitting on top of the cactus.

  11. I love the one with the side of the cactus in the foreground and the brooding sky. Looks wonderfully atmospheric!

  12. Good day Diane C, the pictures are very very beautiful!
    I never see cactus like this before...thanks I can witness the rock squirrel having fun and eating in and out in his cactus home.

  13. Have never seen a squirrel on top of a saguaro before. As Carol (above) mentioned, wonder how it got there without a belly full of pricklies!
    Sabino Canyon is so pretty. I need to get back there again.

  14. I would want to see the saguaros in full bloom, I really love them, they look so interesting. Your pictures are always great and features interesting features of saguaros, never thought that squirrels eat the buds of saguaro, and I am amazed at how they can climb to reach the flowers without being pricked. Love all the pictures here, they really are stunning.

  15. The Black and White rendition is very nice. You wonder how that little squirrel manages to avoid those nasty spines. You'd laugh at my "Giant" saguaro. It's about 6 inches tall!

  16. Gorgeous! ...blossoms, squirrels, sky, compositions... Just gorgeous! :)

  17. Great photos. I'm fascinated to see the saguaro cactus in bloom.

  18. The squirrel is just too cute!

    And it is so neat what you did to showcase the saguaro buds.

    My favorite is Sabino+saguaros, nice composition.

  19. Hi Diane,
    I love the cactus pictures, especially I'm drawn to the one with the dark sky in the backround. For me, there's something about that and how the cactus looks to be standing tall, ready for an impending storm. I guess it makes me think about life, and how I handle the "storms" I'm faced with...

  20. What beautiful examples of nature. Tahnsk for shaing a piece of heaven on Earth.

  21. Wow what an amazing and enchanting place. So filled with diversity and nature.

  22. Catching up on your blog- I love them all but that squirrel on the saguaro is priceless! Oh you are lucky to have seen that and captured it in a picture- thanks so much for sharing all of these.
