Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sunset Run

As the sun set on Saturday, 400 runners ranging in age from 10 to 72, participated in the Southern Arizona Roadrunners Sabino Canyon Sunset Run. The course followed the paved road, along the stream, over nine bridges up to the end the road, and back down again for a total of 7.4 miles. Here are a few of the pictures I took near mile one:

Meanwhile, Chris was taking movies by a bridge. These are some still frames from the videos. Our son, Kevin, is in the first snapshot below:

Robert Seaman - First man to finish
Time 40:45 Pace 5:30/Mile

Paula Morrison- First woman to finish
Time 48:15 Pace 6:31/Mile

For sure, I enjoyed watching the athletes as much as they enjoyed running in the canyon. I am grateful for recreation areas such as Sabino Canyon that provide beautiful settings for people to exercise, enjoy fresh air and sunshine and appreciate nature.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comment feel free to visit again.

  2. This looks like a good run!

    Mountain lion activity! You have mountain lions?

  3. That's neat, Diane... There are runners of all shapes and sizes... Don't understand why all of the slim, fit ones WIN!!!!! ha ha ha.... (I'd be at the BACK of the pack!!!!)

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looks like a great run! I am so not a runner, never have been able to, but I would love to do a walk. :)

  5. Diane: if we were in Tuscon I'm sure my hubby would have participated in this run as he's been a jogger forever! Having experienced the southwest and all that it offers I agree with your statement: "beautiful settings for people to exercise, enjoy fresh air and sunshine and appreciate nature." That's what we have been doing while here in Scottsdale area! smiles to you..big shout to your son for entering the race!! Whoo Hoo! hugs

  6. Beautiful day for a run! The photos are wonderful..

  7. I love the photos. I did a 5K in December, but haven't been back to the races since. I really need to get back into my race walking routine.

    Thanks for the reminder............:)

  8. GEESH! I can barely walk up that hill, can't imagine running up there!! Kudos to all these people.

    Great photos!

  9. Great shots Diane. It must have been exciting to see the run, especially if your son was participating.

  10. This event certainly brings a lot of colour and energy into the desert. It looks like it would have been fun to watch or participate in.

  11. Great shots. That reminds me of my days in the gorge when I would run most mornings along the river and resevoir. Wish I could still do that.

  12. Great photos!!! Looks like a perfect time of year for a race too!
