Monday, April 6, 2009

Cactus Monday - Hedgehogs

Last week, for Cactus Monday, I shared the first cactus blooms that I had found at Sabino Canyon. During the week, I looked high and low for more cacti blooming in the recreation area. I saw just a couple more white saguaro and yellow prickly pear blossoms but no other types of cactus flowers.

Then one morning, out of the blue, a kind stranger approached me to inquire if I had seen the cactus blooming with pretty magenta flowers, just a few yards away. If he hadn't pointed it out, I surely would have missed it. The cactus is just off the side of the little road labeled 629 that leads to the Lowell complex off of the main tram road.

It looked as if some of the petals had been chewed off by wildlife, perhaps rabbits or ground squirrels.
The gentleman also told me where to find another one of these cactus blooming by the visitor center.
There are so few of this kind of cactus at the canyon, I wasn't sure what species it was until I looked it up at home. According to A Natural History of the Sonoran Desert, these Strawberry Hedgehogs usually bloom in the first half of April in Tucson. Right on schedule. If you click on the image below to enlarge it, you will be able to see light green colored aphids on the flowers.
Strawberry Hedgehog Echinocereus fasciculatus

Bonus: A couple of days later, I found one staghorn cactus that was beginning to bloom with bronze colored flowers.
Staghorn Cholla Cylindropuntia versicolor

To see more Cactus Monday posts, visit Teri's Painted Daisies.


  1. These are so pretty. I've never seen a blooming Staghorn before. We have lots of blooming hedgehogs in our retirement park right now. So many that I haven't even thought much about them :)

    Happy Cactus Monday! So happy you have joined us Diane.

  2. Strawberry Hedgehogs! What a charming name for a cactus!

    The Staghorn bloom is lovely too.

    I'm surprised to see aphids in the desert!

  3. i have not shis type of cactus bloom too.
    In Malaysia, we only have those ordinary ones, not much choices. I am glad that you grab hold the opportunity to capture these beautiful images.
    They are very inspirational and I love them so much. Yeah, lovely red and pink blossom:)

  4. Both are great-my fave is the staghorn. Terri, you just reminded me that what I take for granted someone else might find interesting.

    No blooms in Oklahoma yet, still too cold, but I am amazed that the cactus live through our winters.

  5. Love the colors of those flowers! Just beautiful!!!

  6. Love those Strawberry Hedgehogs.. Cute name for a gorgeous cactus. Love that COLOR... I clicked on the picture and it is so pretty --when full-screen.

    It's snowing today --just flurrying.. We're busy covering our roses and some of the flowers that are vulnerable. We now have to wait and see what Mother Nature gives us.

    Hope you have a great day.. Wish I were THERE today!

    Let's hope for no damage here the next couple of days due to the upcoming freeze.

  7. I have one of those blooming in the backyard. I never bothered to look up the name. A Strawberry Hedgehog - thanks for the info!

  8. Beautiful blossoms... I am so excitied to see these as we are heading to Tucson next week and plan to visit the canyon...WooHoo! What fun! :) HCM!

  9. The prickly pear is beautiful. I remember my dad growing it in our backyard when I was a kid. The blooms are always so colorful.


  10. wow, I love those big cactus sticking out everywhere! and the strawberry hedgehog is such a yummy name...but I wouldnt want a mouthful of those spikes. The canyon looks like a place i would love to visit one day! HCM

  11. I've never understood how a plant that can be so nasty can bee so beautiful. I love to see cactus bloom.

  12. I love your blog - I get to see flowers from plants not native to my area (MD)! Your pictures are lovely.


  13. Both of these cactus are so awesome, but I really love the bloom of the Stahorn Cholla! Happy Cactus Monday!

  14. did I tell you that I just love blooming cacti? I do!! Beautiful!

  15. Beautiful flowers... you have the best photos of these jewels... Love it..
    I can come here for inspiration, details and info!
    Thank you! Have a wonderful week and HCM!

  16. Great blooming cactus batman...tee hee..I couldnt help myself...
    I saw those

  17. The cactus are pretty without the blooms, but with blooms they have an added bonus.

    Leedra’s Photos For Fun

    Leedra’s Greeting Cards

    Photography By Leedra

  18. Diane, the hedgehog blooms are wonderful but I like the staghorn better. Very nice captures as always.

  19. Watching cactus bloom is always a favorite of mine. It just seems so impossible that a plant that needs so little water can bloom.

    Thanks for the view of your Travelin' Local.............:)

  20. gorgeous cactus!Thanks for sharing the lovely pictures!Love the blooms!

  21. I know you missed seeing the crow laying out those peanuts on the limb for the lookout crow to eat, so I went back and added that link to the original post. I hope you can find the time to return to My Birds Blog and see this.

  22. It's great when we hold a question within us sometimes, someone will come along and give us the answers that we are seeking.

  23. I have been really enjoying my first spring in the desert. There are so many different cactus blossoms in such a rainbow of colors.

  24. This is a great Cactus Monday post fellow cacuteer.
