Monday, April 27, 2009

Cactus Monday - Sonoran Desert Art

Today for Cactus Monday, I'd like to share some of the artwork at Sabino Canyon. Dozens of handpainted mosaic-styled tiles grace the ramadas at the entrance of the canyon. They are whimsically decorated with all sorts of Sonoran Desert cacti and critters that can be found in the recreation area, as well as the names of Sabino Canyon donors.
Here is a random sampling of the ceramic tiles. Perhaps it might be fun someday to make a freehand cut paper collage with playful shapes and colors like these. They sort of remind me of paper cutouts by Henri Matisse. Click picture to enlarge.
When I was taking pictures on Saturday morning, a cactus wren was making noise just outside the ramada. There has been a lot of cactus wren activity lately around the nests in the cholla cactus by the visitor center.
The staghorn cacti with reddish flowers were blooming here and there.
A little pincushion cactus was blooming under a bush, next to the entrance to some animal's burrow.
Here's a Gila monster sketch from my youngest son, Brian's, sketchbook. He's a first year architecture student at the UofA and likes to draw and paint in his spare time.
For more Cactus Monday posts, visit Teri's Painted Daisies.


  1. The talent some people have is amazing. The tiles are gorgeous. It looks like your son is also one of those very talented people! It runs in the family :)

  2. I just received an invitation to visit Tucson this morning-I'll let you know if I show up in the area. (Likely late summer/early fall-I have puppies and horses to train right now)

  3. gorgeous tiles in the first 2 pics! HCM

  4. Wow, Nice cactuses, but your son is very talented!

  5. I love your son's drawing! Your photos always amaze me since you have eyes for detailed shot!

  6. Beautiful art, Diane... Love that little wren also. There are so many varieties of wrens and sparrows...

    Your son is very talented. My youngest son is also into drawing and art---and computer graphics. He's probably the most creative of my three sons.

    Have a great day, Diane.

  7. You have such a great collection of stories & pics..They are just Wonderful!!! The tiles are so beautiful & impressive.

    Thanks for liking my work.

  8. Your son's sketch is great!

    I must have missed your Gila monster post so I've just caught up on it now - what an amazing creature! I love the markings.

    Also love the tiles. What a creative and beautiful place your Sonoran desert is!

  9. Wow What stunning pictures!
    The art is simply lovely, so colorful and cheerful.
    Your son´s piece is amazing! I love it!
    And I enjoyed the cactus pictures!

    Happy Cactus Monday!

  10. Amazing pictures! Beautiful art too.

  11. Those are gorgeous tiles. Do you know the name of the artist by any chance? I could see a few of those in my future sunroom!

    Great Gila Monster sketch by your son. Maybe something like that could be incorporated into a building!

  12. hiya diane, i am now going to add you to my list of favourites, and visit you often, welcome new cactuteer. and happy CM

  13. Your son's monster is just great!!!
    Those tiles are amazing too!
    Happy CM!!!

  14. I so enjoyed your post. THose tiles are tremendous. Cactus wren is one of my favorite desert birds. Your son's drawing is fantastic.

  15. That art is just fabulous and I am embarassed to say I missed it! (thunk to head). That cactus wren is just a wonderfully creative capture!! I love your son'ts art. Maybe he should join Cactus Monday too.


  16. Those tiles are wonderful. What a great medium for both thanking donors and showing others what's at the canyon.

    Your son is a good artist.

  17. Oh, I love the tiles. It's becoming more common here in the city, where plants are often at a premium, to put artwork up that reflects the local plants, culture, or lifestyle.

    Your son's sketch of the gila monster is fantastic.

  18. Totally enjoyed the wonderful pictures!Lovely tiles!

  19. Really cool pictures and I especially love the cactus ceramic tiles.
    Your son drawing's is so beautiful, full of expression and attentive to details. Please tell him that I really enjoy your blog and his masterpiece here.
    Hope to see more to come. By the way, what does he like to draw and paint. May be can invite him for a cactus challenge on Cactus Monday?

  20. there's an award for you going on my blog now.

  21. i love the picture of the cactus wren, and the drawing of your son, the gila monster looks really wonderfully monstrous, its like i can feel its strong stare, love it.

    i love cactus, maybe, i should join cactus Monday too.
