Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Backyard Goldfinches

When we first moved to Tucson, we didn't see many goldfinches in our yard. But as soon as we put a fountain in the garden, goldfinches visited more often. Here's our homemade fountain that I put together years ago from an article in Sunset Magazine. At first we had the fountain in the front yard, but javelinas kept knocking it over at night. So now it safely sits on our patio in our wall-enclosed backyard.
When two finches are on the fountain at once, they seem to take turns getting a drink or bathing while the other one waits.

After getting wet in the fountain, the birds perch in the mesquite tree to dry off, and perhaps grab a snack.
Then, they visit the feeder. I recently hung this thistle sock feeder in the backyard and finches started using it right away. We enjoy hearing their "chee" sounds throughout the day.
Lesser Goldfinch Carduelis psaltria


  1. A thistle sock feeder - I've never seen one before. I'd like to attract some birds other than pigeons and blackbirds :( Where did you buy that?

  2. @Deedee - Look for thistle socks wherever bird feeders and bird seeds are for sale...Home Depot, Target, plant nurseries, and fill it with tiny black thistle seeds.

  3. That's a neat fountain! We also feed the goldfinches in our neighborhood. They are almost always on the feeder, sometimes 12 at a time. They make a wonderful, colorful addition to the backyard.

  4. It must be so much fun to watch the birds drinking, bathing, and feeding!

    Wonderful photos, Diane!

  5. Looks like a pleasant way to spend the afternoons, both for the birds and the bird watching. I love the reflections in the bird bath, amazing colors!

  6. Oh Wow, Diane... Love your fountain --and of course your Goldfinch... I love those birds... They really change colors this time of year... Love that bright yellow color!!!!!

    Hope you are having a great day.

  7. Fabulous, Diane! What a wonderful gift. Now for a hammock and binoculars. :)

  8. Love you fountain and your finches. I put my birdbath up during the winter and it has attracted so many birds. I saw a female cardinal splashing in it yesterday and this morning a mockingbird perched above it singing.

  9. Nice job on the fountain Diane. The javelina can be a little hard on yard things. And they seem to love bird seed. So fun to watch the birds bath. My little sparrows in Yarnell would fluff up and splash about. Great captures.

  10. Hi Diane,
    I love the photos, and what a cool fountain - the birds look so peaceful there!

  11. what an absolute delight, we can a lot from these little feathered creatures.

  12. Hi. I like those finches. Also, I enjoy all the cactus and desert landscapes on your blog. I grow a few cacti(boy that giant saguaro grows slowly). My biggest problem is that I need a machete to control the surrounding (ever encroaching) vegetation.

  13. I love this fountain! The colour is so beautiful and intense and complements the goldfinches too! Is the blue the sky reflected in the water, or is there blue in the fountain bowl too?

  14. @Phoenix C. - The fountain is just terra cotta clay with algae all over it. I guess the blue sky was reflected in the water. I was surprised by the color of the water in the first photo.

  15. Even when I owned a house, I never had a birdbath. I'm so jealous. The only birds I usually see are the gulls and pigeons that hang around the beach................:)

  16. Great blog, Diane. I did an art show in Scottsdale and sold through a gallery there from a few years back and discovered the Sonoran desert. I am a northern snow boy and don't think I would want to live there but did thoroughly enjoy the Sonoran Desert. I spent one whole day completely alone at Saguaro Natl Park sharing my day with Cactus Wrens, Quail, and other wildlife. It was a perfect Feruary day and I will never forget it. Really enjoy painting it.
    God bless and continue on

  17. Diane how wonderful for you to have these finches entertain you! I am giggling thinking about the javelinas knocking the fountain son is always complaining to me about those darn Night bandits..the javelinas...eating up his garden!! I miss hoo.!!

  18. Hey,
    First Julie made me surprise about these deserts. Now you are doing it again. How fantastic the life you have out there? I love these photos very much.

  19. I love the reflections in that first photo but they are all great. Aren't the gold finches fun? I may have to try making a fountain like that, the voles ate a hole in the plastic sump liner for our fountain so I think I need somthing sturdier.

  20. Interesting post from an for me unknown area - thank you for sharing!

    Ps Thank you for the comment

  21. Having their morning bath :)
    Cute capture, very nicely done!
    Love it :)

  22. Cute pics, Diane.
    Congrats on receiving an Award from our sweet Soul.
    You really deserve it:)

    Have a nice day!

  23. i love your photos, i think it is so great to be visited by beautiful birds.

  24. I like the fountain and the designs in the cactus sure give you some great thing to shoot.

  25. OH!!!!!! These are GORGEOUS photos! I am blown away. I love them. Lucky you seeing these guys so close and playing in the water. Love how blue it is. The whole series is magical and anyone of them would make incredible cards or prints. Just magnificent!! You really did a good job here.
