Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Seeing Orange

An orange bird has been visiting our backyard lately. It looks like a typical house finch except his feathers are orange where a house finch's are usually red. I learned that orange is a color variation in house finches and yellow is too. This is the first male house finch I've observed with any color besides red in the 15 years I've lived in Tucson.

Seeing the orange house finch made me realize that besides him and an occasional oriole, orange colored birds aren't very common around here.
However, looking through my pictures, I noticed an abundance of the color orange in other forms. Just for fun, here are some orange or almost-orange subjects:
neighbor's dog, pet box turtle, horse at Sabino Canyon, our cat Billy

barrel cactus, red bird of paradise (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
globe mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua)
, prickly pear cactus buds

Blackett's Ridge Sabino Canyon, a neighbor's clay roof, Sabino Creek, Sabino sunset

I hadn't thought about the color orange much until that little bird appeared. Now it seems as if I'm seeing orange everywhere!
Sunrise Drive at Sabino Canyon Road

"There is no blue without yellow and without orange."
~ Vincent Van Gogh


  1. Lots of orange, Diane... IF you come to Tennessee, your blood will be OrANGE (for the Tennessee Vols) It's Big Orange Country here!!!

    I've never seen an orange house finch before either. NEAT!!! Thanks for sharing.


  2. An interesting variation on the house finch. Great captures. And nice job on the oranges around you.

  3. What a great post was sparked from one little orange bird! The first time I saw an orange or yellow house finch it threw me also. I sometimes see the orange ones here in Sycamore Canyon. What a lovely collage of photos you made up. Very artistic!

  4. What great shots. I never knew that house finches had an orange variation!

  5. I love these photos, Diane! My favourite is the tiles - I like the contrasts of rhythms and the streaky white horizontal clouds in the background.

    Love the Van Gogh quote. I've always had lots of orange in the garden because it's such a vibrant colour, especially when it kind of gradates to red. And it does look so spectacular with blue!

  6. Great shots! I love all the photos of orange, and the finches especially!

  7. My favorite color!!!!! Great images!!!!!

  8. What an excellent selection of images. Orange is everywhere!

  9. Excellent! Orange fits right in with AZ!

    I spotted my first orange finch this year in KY. I joked about the red ones and the gold finches getting together. ha.
    Great post!!

  10. Beautiful, all the orange together! The orange house finch puzzled me when I first saw it years ago, and even now, I sometimes think I'm seeing a new bird. Those are great photos of the finches.

  11. What a fun post and you do have some great photos! I've never seen an orange house finch before. I never knew they existed! I think everyone enjoyed your post... Orange you glad you wrote it? (Couldn't help myself)

  12. What a lovely celebration of my favourite colour, orange! I have really enjoyed this.

    'There is no blue without yellow and without orange.' Oh, bliss!

  13. Oh Diane, I so enjoyed looking at all these photos! Thank you!

  14. You found lots of orange. I like your orange finch but your post makes me feel guilty. I've been neglecting the feeders so I'll right now and fill them.

  15. It made me think about the colors I have around the outside of my house. Green, red, pink, blue, black, brown, white.... no orange. I'm going to have to "borrow" one of your birds :)

  16. wow, all those birds coming to your backyard are just amazing, I am not sure if I have caught one house flinch too, as I am not very familiar with the birds names. But I also captured a bird in our backyard very similar to yours, but I have not seen really a lot of them like in the 3rd picture, that is really so cute!

  17. I never knew that about the little finches. I love all the orange you found! Color themes are so fun! Love the turtle!

  18. That little bird, with the orange is very pretty. I love the expression of the red-breasted bird in the second shot. Your horse shot and the whole elements series: fabulous. After viewing all your great pictures - I can safely say that I'm a fan of the color orange.

  19. What a fun post! I loved every picture- and the ending quote is great! That orange finch is cool- I'll have to watch mine a little closer but I am sure I've never seen anything but red ones.

  20. What a lovely posting! I love the birds.

  21. Hi Diane,enjoyed your Finch Images and your description. Great write up supported with great Photography.
    Also thank you very much for your kind words on our Blog.
    Happy Birding.

  22. Your photos are always exceptional but this time they are extraordinary. I think it is the groupings which I love. You done them life works of art in themselves with the layout and color schemes. It is STUNNING!!! They are so luscious I want to eat them. You are very artistic both with good color sense and design. Simply some of your very best work!!! :D

  23. WOW! This is a great post. My absolute favorite color is orange -- I have it EVERYWHERE in my apartment -- so I adored this post and especially Van Gogh's quote. Thanks so much for writing this and for posting the awesome orange pictures. I love the animals especially!

  24. The birds are beautiful, as are all your other photos. Sabino Canyon is a great area. I've been there once, years ago. I'm in the Phoenix area, and wish we had some colorful birds here. Seems they are all brown and gray!

  25. A very eye-pleasing, educational post!

  26. I love your color choice. Orange, it's one of my favorites. If you're seeing a color over and over, which your great photos demostrate, life is good.............:)

  27. You are very observance. I love this entry"Seeing orange"
    The birds, animals, senery, even the cycling teams are in orange.
    What a creative orange day!
    You rock Diane C!
    Bye bye!

  28. I love the photos - the colors are stunning.
