Monday, April 13, 2009

Cactus Monday - Warholized

After weeks of warm, sunshiny weather and lots of visitors and activity at the recreation area, Sabino Canyon became cold, dreary and quiet.

On Tuesday, I saw something unusual. A rat came running out from under some dead prickly pear cactus and bit this innocent looking rabbit. The cottontail looked surprised and jumped in the air, which seemed to alarm the rat, who also leaped high before returning to its den. I don't know what that commotion was all about.
On Thursday, we saw a group of deer eating leaves from shrubs. It was the first time we observed them since March. In the picture, this deer looks like it was eating the cactus. It wasn't, but it did have cactus needles stuck in its face and ears. Some of the deer looked like they had encountered things other than cacti.
On Friday it was windy and dusty. And on Saturday it rained. Birds were avoiding my feeder, and a tortoise came out of its hiding place in our backyard to get a drink of rainwater from a puddle.
While it was raining, I didn't go outside with my camera. Instead, I looked on my computer and found a Staghorn cholla blossom image from earlier in the week...
and turned it into to a little Warhol-style poster.
This morning things seem back to normal here. The sun is shining, birds are singing and visiting the backyard feeder again. For more Cactus Monday posts visit Teri's Painted Daisies.


  1. Love the scenery, animals and the POSTER, WOW!!!

  2. Like Lynn said... Love the scenery, animals and the POSTER - Double WOW!

  3. Great post, Diane. Love seeing the 'wildlife' --especially the deer. The poster is fabulous--and SO colorful.

  4. WOW Diane, I like your arrangement of Warhol-style poster. Beautiful images. BTW thanks for the visit. Anna :)

  5. Love the poster! All vibrant and beautiful colors...Great post!!!

  6. Isn't nature always entertaining. Maybe that rat was angry because the Easter bunny passed him/her by and she was retaliating. That rat obviously needed some chocolate. HCM Love the colorful blooms too. You have been busy.

  7. i really am so glad you are a cactuteer too. these are lovely.

  8. Wow what a place you live in!
    Wonderful pictures and wonderful visitors you have there....

  9. Great photos! We wnt hiking at a State Park on Easter and today in a county park which was so nice! I saw a tiny little Opuntia cactus with a yellow bud on top, but guess who forgeot her camera!!!!! RATS! Will have to go back now!

    Love your bunny pic, and deer too. I hate to think of the poor thing with cactus needles all in his face!!!

    Love the pic of the cholla and bloom. Very cool shot.

  10. Love your crazy cacti,would make a great poster od CD cover!

  11. This whole post is fabulous! With drama, stories, animals...

    ...and then you top it off with a "Crazy Cacti Cholla" done a la Warhol! You coordinated those rainbow colors to perfection... Which is absolutely stunning !!!!

    Lovely! Thank You so much! HCM :-)

  12. Little wonder of cute deer and tortoise brought us smile.
    little Warhol-style poster is so vibrant, bold and very beautiful pop colours. I especiallythe two blue blossoms:) Can be made into hair accessorries!

  13. i love cacti, they all look so interesting for me, and those cholla flowers, just amazing. love your tortoise too.

  14. What an unusual week with a rat biting a rabbit, deer sprouting cactus thorns and a turtle. No time for birds. Love the cactus Warhol.

  15. The poster is wonderful!

    You have a lot of wildlife to observe - I love the tortoise!

  16. This is so beautiful! The little rabbit is just precious beyond words. And I LOVE turtles. They fascinate me. i also found your cactus collage is brilliant!!! It's just the richest eye candy, what a great idea. You live in such a rich area and are very good with your camera. :DD

  17. You got some great shots, and that poster is great!

  18. A very nice variety of nature scenes. Lovely post, enjoyed all the photographs very much. Thank you!

  19. Oh, I miss the deer I used to see when I lived on the East Coast. And I love the Warhol.

  20. wonderful pictures- I love the Warhol poster- very cool!

  21. What a great and fun post. That tortoise is so amazing!

