Thursday, March 19, 2009

Skywatch Friday - A storm brewing?

On the way back from spending a couple of hours in the canyon on Saturday, it looked like a storm was brewing. The sky had clouded up and we could see rain starting to fall in the distance. As we were leaving, we saw visitors walking, jogging and boarding the trams to venture deep into the canyon. I wonder if any of them ended up getting rained on. We didn't feel a drop.

To see more sky photos from around the world, visit Skywatch Friday.


  1. I love the Arizona skies, so dramatic with the mountains and the clouds hanging low. I was just there last weekend (mom & dad used to live in the Clarkdale/Cottonwood area, mom is visiting Cottonwood for a month) and we had a ball. My sis and her friend came also, so it was girls' weekend! Enjoyed your photos!

  2. With skies like that I'm not sure I'd want to venture in but I wouldn't want to come all that way and not see it so if that meant getting wet I would have!
    Great shots! I really love the sky in that second image - ominous..

    My post is on my photoblog: Carletta’s Captures.

  3. Glad you escaped the rain. The sky looks very threatening!

  4. Excellent skywatch photos, thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  5. Amazind clouds!
    Beautiful pictures !

  6. I love desert thunderstorms and if it's warm I don't mind getting a little wet. Just protect me from hail.

  7. Gorgeous skies and that first one is out of this world - great capture! :-)

  8. Over here in Melbourne, we need some of those thunderclouds. We seriously await drought-breaking rain.

  9. I particularly like the second photo, with the view of those wonderfully rugged mountains.

  10. I love the first photo where the four people are coming over the rise. Looks as though you had a great hike in the desert. I was in Tuscon area last spring - really enjoyed your scenery!

  11. Looks very much like some of the later ones might have got wet. makes for very interesting pictures though. I especially like number two.
    Scrolling down I found so many wonderful flower shots too. Very enjoyable.

  12. The first shot is like something ouut of a movie. The second I dearly love for its clarity of light, beautiful clouds and crisp landscape.

  13. Love that first photo with the people on the crest of the hill! This looks like the same storm that chased us out of the Art Fair at Civano Nursery. Lots of wind but the potential rain never fell!

  14. Great skyshots on a beautiful day :)

  15. That's the day it rained in the front of our park and not in the back.

    Great photos!!

  16. Looks like there is already rain falling, but not quit hitting the ground. Pretty shots.

  17. The storms that are really interesting to me is where there are clouds and it seems like it is raining, but the moisture seems to evaporate before it even hits the ground.

  18. Wooooo Diane. That looks like a 'mean' sky... I'll bet those people got drenched. But maybe they didn't care.

    We were supposed to get rain today--and we got nothing. It turned out to be a great day.
    Who knows!!!


  19. Stupendous story skies. I'm always amazed when I see the rain obviously falling from the clouds yet evaporating before it hits the ground.
    Great captures.

  20. I love your sky walk Fridays. If I did sky watches, most days, I'd just have pictures of solid blue................:)

  21. Very nice images! Love the look of those threatening skies.

  22. These are gorgeous skies! The cloud composition is incredible! Well done :)

  23. beautiful desert sky...thanks for sharing these with us.
    have a great weekend.
