Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I and the Bird: A Blog Carnival

I and the Bird is a carnival of blogs for people who love birds. It's a place to see a variety of blog posts about all kinds of views and interactions people have with wild birds.

Vickie Henderson is hosting I and the Bird #93 at Vickie Henderson Art. I was delighted when she asked me if I'd like to submit my 5 Reasons to Love Cactus Wrens story. As a newbie blogger, I welcome the opportunity to be a part of this celebration.

Visit I and the Bird #93 and enjoy the collection of bird posts that Vickie gathered and thoughtfully wove together with the theme, "The Compelling Nature of Birds." While you're at Vickie Henderson Art, take some time to savor some of her exceptionally beautiful writing, photos, and artwork.


  1. Thanks, Diane! 42 entries later, I'm pleased with the results. Loved your wren post!

  2. What a neat place. I am forwarding the url to a friend that is a major birder. course she probably knows it already.

    Love that cactus wren!

  3. Now I'm off to Vickie's place!

  4. Stepping between the spikes, cute.

  5. I LOVE cactus wrens! While we don't have them all the time in our desert, there are several at the Living Desert in Palm Desert and I LOVE to hear them! Are you getting rain, too, this morning? I woke up at 2:30 a.m. to drip, drip, drip! It has now stopped for a few minutes here. Have a great weekend!
    ~~Cheryl Ann~~
