Friday, February 27, 2009

Blackett's Ridge Trail: Part 2

Compared to the strenuous hike to the top, the walk back down the mountain was easy. We took our time, enjoying the sights along the way. The summit had great views of Sabino Canyon and the city of Tucson.

Here's a little sampler of flora and fauna observed from the trail:
fairyduster, star cloak fern, roadrunner, Clark's spiny lizard
We also encountered a crew working on Blackett's Ridge Trail for the forest service. They're the ones wearing bright orange shirts and yellow hats.
The third and final part of this Blackett's Ridge Trail series features pictures of the forest service workers in action.


  1. This mountainous desert terrain looks almost other worldly. Love the traditional roadrunner.

  2. What a beautiful trail, and enjoyable pictures! Great post!

  3. Great views! Now I can't wait till I return to Tucson in April.

  4. Holey moley, you are really HIGH! Gorgeous views, ones that never grow old. Great post!

  5. Travelin' to the top is half the fun. I can hardly wait for the downward trek.................:)

  6. Absolutely gorgeous, Diane. That must have been a steep hike.. My hubby laughs at me when we hike since I tend to like going UP more than I do going DOWN--especially if it is really steep. Even with walking sticks, I struggle more going down. DUH!!!! ha


  7. What a fabulous hike, both up and down. Glad we made it back safely.
    Isn't it great that the fire crews work on trails when there's no fires?
    Great post with awesome photos. I really do feel like I was there. Thanks.

  8. Great pics, it was lovely to see your neck of the woods. Our guys have just got it cleared ready for the big BBQ (veggies only) Green Monday tomorrow here in Cyprus (start of lead up to Easter). We take them for granted really.
