Thursday, January 22, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Wave Clouds

This picture was taken from Sabino Canyon on Tuesday, January 20, 2009. Kelvin Helmholtz instability clouds form between two layers of air which have different densities and travel at different speeds. They are also called billow clouds or shear-gravity waves. Perhaps swirly clouds such as these inspired Vincent Van Gogh to paint his Starry Night.

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  1. This looks like a beautiful time to be in the dessert. I bet some of the cacti are in flower!

  2. Beautiful shot! I like the formation of the cloud!

  3. What an interesting cloud structure!
    From another Tucsonan.

  4. What an unusual cloud pattern! I love the Tucson area.

  5. that is so different, I have never seen that before. Thank you for taking the photograph,

    Gill inCanada

  6. What a unique cloud! It looks like a child's drawing of ocean waves. I agree, it really does have a 'Van Gogh inspiration' look!

  7. Great photo for sky watch friday, we do enjoy seeing the horizon from different view points. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  8. WOW! What an interesting cloud! Like a big ship at the sky.

  9. Nice post and pic. Happy swf.

  10. Those clouds are really cool. I don't think I've ever seen any like that.
    I lived in Tucson for many years and I am enjoying your Sabino Canyon photos. Do you ever post any of Madera Canyon too? Or Mt. Lemmon?

  11. Hi Susie of Arabia - Thanks for your comment and question. I rarely leave home, so most of my photos are of the Sabino Canyon area.

  12. Great photo. Thanks for the explanation of the clouds, which makes it all even more interesting.

  13. Great shot, I bet that cloud was fun to watch in person, especially from up in the canyon. I hiked a many trip up Ventana Canyon in my days out there.

  14. Too cool! Like white-water waves in the sky. I've never seen this cloud formation, other than VanGogh.

  15. Oh WoW! That's a neat cloud formation! Very cool!

  16. Great shot, thanks for sharing. I added your great blog to my followers list so I can be reminded to return often to see more of your work. Thanks for sharing.

    Regina In Pictures

  17. Looks like a practic run for icing a wedding cake!

  18. There sure are different from any I've seen before.. :O)

    Tom Tom's Sky Watch Pictures

  19. Awesome capture! I have never seen Kelvin Helmholtz instability clouds. They are neat and interesting. Thank you for sharing that information.

  20. Very pretty! I don't believe I've ever seen clouds like those before! Great shot! Thanks for coming to visit my blog!

  21. Hey Diane, I was just at Sabino this morning. It was raining then. I guess your litle cloud grew up and invited all its kin!

  22. I have heard about these clouds but never seen them. I love this photo and also the skywatch photo below with the grand wisps of radiant clouds. Beautiful.

  23. You have a fun Nature Blog. We are coming to the desert to visit this beautiful scenic country some time soon.

  24. That truely is an interesting cloud formation. Love the mountains1

  25. Peculiar shaped clouds and interesting phenomenon. I enjoyed your other posts too.
