Thursday, January 29, 2009

Skywatch Friday - Radiating Clouds

Looking towards Sabino Canyon from the neighboring community and schools on January 26th, around 5:00PM.

I don't usually carry a camera when we just go out for exercise. Chris runs while I prefer walking. I was glad, however, to have brought my camera on Monday when the clouds were arranged like this. Check out more sky photos from around the world at Skywatch Friday.


  1. Awesome clouds!! I missed them on Monday, darn! Good you had your camea with you.

  2. That was an amazing capture! good job you had your camera!

  3. Fantastic cloud formations. I use clouds as a form of meditation in warm weather. Lay on the grass and watch them move.

  4. Beautiful cloud formations! Now you had me look up at the sky more..for wonderful blue sky.

  5. Glad you had your camera. I try never to leave home without it. Love the radiating clouds. Great capture.

  6. I am so glad you had your camera to capture these, they are outstanding.

    Regina In Pictures

  7. What unique cloud patterns. I've never seen clouds look like that. Thanks for sharing.

  8. How amazing, I love this sky! It looks like you had a lovely walk, and I'm glad you had your camera---thank you for sharing the photos!

  9. You sure that's not a space ship masquerading as clouds. Vroom, vroom! ;-) It's amazing how the long narrow clouds have formed lines.

  10. Looks like someone has been plowing the sky. I wonder what will grow up there now!

  11. AWESOME! I absolutely love your billowing altocumulus clouds... like rays of clouds. Wonderful capture. Glad you had the camera!

  12. Well thanks, Dewdrop for naming the cloud formation. It is just gorgeous and unique.

    Diane--neverleave home without one--a camera that is. MB

  13. Interesting how the clouds line up so evenly. Particularly in the first one, where it looks like they radiate out from the tree.

  14. Glad you took your camera. I have never seen skies like these formations before - really great skies!

  15. Wow the clouds really turned on a show across your sky today, thanks for sharing with us all.

  16. How nice to discover another Tucson blog! You are so lucky to live near Sabino Canyon! You have a lovely blog- I hope you don't mind if I add it to my bloglist.

  17. I'm glad you had the camera too. Very interesting clouds, terrific captures.

  18. Those clouds are awesome! They are picture perfect.

  19. I am happy you had your camera with you other wise I will not see such a beautiful sky!
    Thanks for sharing!
    have a happy weekend!!

  20. I am happy you had your camera with you, I liked the blue sky and the shape of the clouds! beautiful!!

  21. I can't remember seeing them just QUITE like this before arcing like a fan.

  22. You post some unusual cloud formations. Nice photos.
