Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fall Colors in the Canyon

Naturally occurring displays of Fall leaf color changes are not common in the desert but can be found along streams such as Sabino Creek. The most common deciduous trees in Sabino Canyon are Arizona sycamore, Arizona walnut, Fremont cottonwood, Goodding willow and Velvet ash. These pictures span a time period of five weeks from late November to early January.

In colder weather some cacti, such as this Staghorn cholla cactus, turn reddish or purple.
Fall foliage colors at Sabino Dam
It is easy to see where the riparian zones are by following the golden colored trees along the creek. This is where the largest variety of birds and other animals can be found.

A tranquil reflection of trees in Sabino creek between tram stops one and two

Enjoying Autumn leaves closer up

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