Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yellow thru the Year

Greetings from the Sonoran Desert!

For Cactus Monday, Mellow Yellow Monday and Mosaic Monday.

Here are yellow things found at Sabino Canyon through the year:

click photo to enlarge

The pieces of the mosaic are not in chronological order but the key below is arranged by month with picture numbers in brackets.

Jan. - Velvet Ash [1]
Feb. - Brittlebush [4]
Mar. - Creosote bush [10]
Apr. - Prickly Pear blossom [7]
May - Palo Verde tree in bloom [8]
June - Golden Dyssodia [9]
July - Prickly Pear Needles [12]
Aug. - Hooker's Evening Primrose [5]
Sep. - Barrel Cactus blossom [11]
Oct. - Barrel fruit [2]
Nov. - Creosote flower and honeybee [6]
Dec. - Cottonwood trees 2008 [3]

Find newer posts by Diane AZ at Desert Colors.


eileeninmd said...

It is wonderful to all all the different flowers thru the winter. They are all beautiful flowers and I love all the yellow.

Kim, USA said...

Lucky you, you can still see flowers in winter. Ours here is gone but looking forward to spring. Love the yellow flowers my favorite color. Thanks for sharing!

My Lifes Journey in Focus

Icy BC said...

Beautiful mosaic of yellow flowers, Diane!

There are many wonderful posts on this blog, maybe you could merge them to Desert Colors?

Diane AZ said...

Thanks Icy, I might "recycle" some of my favorite photos for Desert Colors.

Ezhilan said...

It's nice to see many yellow flowers in a single photo. The mosaic looks beautiful. This blog contains many wonderful photos, which I have enjoyed.Thank you for sharing the photos.

Carolyn Ford said...

Stunning mosaic! These are such gorgeous desert yellows!

Tania said...

Nice yellow, pictures and collage!:-)

Gaelyn said...

Diane, you put together a delightful yellow desert collage.

I like both your blogs and will follow wherever. Don't think I could keep up with two blogs myself.

Leora said...

Love the flowers that look like threaded coreopsis - the star-like daisy things. The one you call "Dyssodia."

Jemina said...

Wow, this is the best MYM photo I've ever seen. You should get an award for this photo.

My MYM is here but it is scheduled for posting after midnight Greenwich time.

Carletta said...

I hope everyone enlarges this because while the mosaic is wonderful each individual shot stands on its own merit!

betchai said...

beautiful mosaic of yellow colors Diane, yellow is such a happy color.

i am excited about Desert Colors, I find the desert always interesting and surprising.

Ashley said...

Beautiful yellow flower collection! I love the bright color within the desert setting. I will certainly check out your other blog as well!

Phoenix C. said...

Lovely yellows! I've really enjoyed your Sabino Canyon blog. Will continue to enjoy your Desert Colours!

Unknown said...

Hi Diane
Love yr photos, and it's great to see yellow with cacti. Ooh, there is a bee too.

I enjoy yr photos. Look forward to more posts at Desert Colors. "Desert related art, nature and random weird stuff" - love them all.

Have a good week, Evelyn

storyteller said...

What a lovely mosaic of yellow flowers and how good of you to identify each for us with a key. Many are unfamiliar to me ... beach gal that I am ;-)

I know how hard it can be to keep up with multiple blogs ... and wonder occasionally whether it's time to let go of one or more of mine, especially since I have less time currently to spend at the computer than I did when I started blogging.
Hugs and blessings,
My Mellow Yellow

Chubskulit Rose said...

lovely collection of yellow!

My Mellow Yellow.

PS.. Following your blog now.

Anonymous said...

This is a wonderful way to celebrate a year of blogging! I'll definitely be watching for whatever happens at Desert Colors. :)

EJ said...

Those are lovely yellows.

My Mellow Yellow Monday post.

Marites said...

all so pretty! and it's a good way of celebrating your blogging year. Happy MYM!

Dianne said...

lovely collage
thanks for identifying each photo :)

Ebie said...

It is a lovely collection of desert blooms through the year. I have seen a few of those here in one of the botanical gardens.

Good luck with Desert colors and your photography!

Stephanie said...

Nice collage Diane! Those yellow blooms are pretty :-D Tq for posting so many great pics of the desert here.

Lance said...

The yellows are so bright and cheery! And I'll see you over at the "Desert"!!

DoanLegacy said...

Beautiful yellow mosaic, and flowers!

Debra Kay said...

I'll miss Sabino Canyon-I DO miss Sabino canyon...such a magical place.

Chie Wilks said...

wow..what a nice mosaic of mellow yellow photos...awesome idea

my MYM is here

you may want to visit my first mosaic here

Marice said...

thanks for sharin this! see you over at the Desert! and have fun with your new cam!

u may view mine here

Thoughtfully Blended Hearts said...

I don't blame you for wanting to focus on your photography, I'm in that place also. These plants are all so beautiful and thanks for including the names. My husband grew up in a desert and I'm not sure I understand the intricacies of desert living.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

I am always amazed at the beauty in the desert any time of the year. HCM.

Deepa Gopal said...

LOve the mosaic and the colourful pics...
Good Luck for your new blog!


Margaret Ann said...

What a lovely post... I will miss my little Sabino Canyons visits with you...but I will follow your Desert Colors and get my fill of desert beauty through your eyes! :)

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh Diana, this just takes my breath away.

Teri said...

You have created such a niche with Sabino Canyon we will all miss it but we will be over to follow Desert Colors and all your beautiful photography.

I love all these yellows.


Carol said...

Beautiful mosaic! It warmed me up for a minute! Have a great week!

marianne said...

Lovely yellows!

Se u on your new blog!


Rajesh said...

Beautiful collection in the mosaic. We are with you in Desert Colors.

Bhojeshwar Temple, Bhojpur

Martha said...

Beautifully done! Stopping by late for Mosaic Monday!


Ayie said...

those are lovely cactus blooms!

Kathie Brown said...

Diane, so sorry to see this end but I will be over to check things out at your new blog!

Silver Fox said...

Hope you'll be leaving the blog up!

Self Sagacity said...

More yellow than I could find in a year for sure! Maybe? Very nice mosaic

Candice Suter.....Sweetstuff said...

Wonderful mosaic! You should post this on Teri's site. HCM to you!