Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thimble Peak

Thimble Peak (on the left) stands between Sabino Canyon and Bear Canyon in the Santa Catalina Mountains. I've noticed that viewed from the track, the space between Thimble Peak and Blackett's Ridge (to its right) echos the inverted shape of Thimble Peak, more or less, depending on where I stand.

The first image is from the sunrise skywatch post on my Desert Colors blog. The second picture was taken twelve hours later. The cloud formation looks like a ghost of Thimble Peak.

I found some more pictures of Thimble Peak that I took earlier this year in various lighting and weather.

I'm fascinated by the colors of Thimble Peak and the negative space next to it. I plan snap a picture each time I go to the track over the next few months and post some of the results.


Teri said...

Awesome colors Diane! I think I have part of that sky on my Blog. lol

Lance said...

That cloud formation DOES look like a ghost!

And the colors - wow, how they change with each shot!

Sunny said...

Really interesting how the same spot can look different. The ghost cloud is really something! I thought it was a mountain.
Sunny :)

Tes said...

Oh wow, beautiful capture! You really did a good job!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Perfect name for Thimble Peak, Diane. It does look like a thimble....

Love all of your different pictures of it--showing all of the colors. NEAT!!

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Oh wonderful! I am sure your day must have taken the camera at the same place!! Have you tried doing HDR on this?

Photos from Kas Plateau

Stephanie said...

This peak is magnificent. All of the photos looks great. What a nice way to appreciate nature. The different hours made the peak look different by the refleced colours. I like to see the peak in warm red :-) Have a great weekend!

Guy D said...

AWesome contrast photos Diane, I love these pics.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Salitype said...

they have said it all!

let me just feast my eyes to it all!

•°°• IcyBC •°°• said...

That's just incredible how Thimble Peak changes colors in different temperature and time..Great shots, Diane!

Ezhilan said...

I like the transformations made by the variations in the light and the sky.The mountain formations looks like a sleeping man!(left side- head)

Prospero said...

Mother nature sure knows how to arrange things, doesn't she? Then she toys around with all those pretty filters. Astonishing.

kesslerdee said...

great pictures of a common sight for me- I loved them!

Warren said...

thats a really interesting and good looking set of pictures of the same feature under different conditions! Great idea!

betchai said...

interesting comparisons Diane, i love the formation, you are truly showcasing the amazing beauty of the desert.

Lindy said...

So amazing how the same spot can look so different. Looking forward to the next group of photos of Thimble Peak.

Cherry said...

the 4 photos look amazing in their different colours! awesome presentation, Diane!

yoon see said...

Me too, love the changing colours here of the same perspective.
I am glad to witness so many miracle shots from you Diane!

Unknown said...

I agree, it is very interesting how the light or time of day can make one place look so different.

Anonymous said...

I love the ruggedness of Arizona. It's such a beautiful place.

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

There is no place like place at all and Tucson has so much to offer.
Your pictures are marvelous and it was a walk down memory lane for me!
I was a regular to Sabino Canyon when my children were small and we could drive thru and park where we wanted to picnic or just play in the water.
I just became a follower.

deedee said...

Your pictures are always so amazing!

Phoenix C. said...

It makes a really fascinating abstract composition!