Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nectar Lovers

These are some of the birds spotted at my backyard feeder. For many weeks the only hummers observed had red bills, probably broad-billed hummingbirds. The first one below has a metal band around his left leg.
Lately we've seen hummers with dark bills, but I'm not sure what species they are.

This one that usually comes to the yard at dusk may be a Rufous. Blurry picture, but I think it's cute how he fans out his tail feathers.
Gila woodpeckers love to sip nectar out of the feeder.
And so do verdins. I love this acrobatic pose.
Only a few flowers are blooming in the yard right now. With bats emptying the hummingbird feeder at night, I try to remember to refill it each morning.


penny said...

Oh how I would love to have them all visiting my yard. Your photos are all so beautiful, Diane. It was a very happy sight for me, thanks :)

Lindy said...

Really great shots of the hummers. They usually don't want to sit still for me. At our house, the Gilas are the ones to do the acrobatics on the feeder. Perfect capture of the wing action in the last shot!

Tes said...

Interesting visitors you've got there Diane! You're quite the birdwatcher. Beautiful shots - especially that ones in action! I am encouraged to go bird watching myself! Thanks for sharing! :)

Warren said...

Great pictures! Looks kind of like an immature rufous above your adult rufous?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My Diane.... You have so many different birds/hummers/etc... at your nectar feeders. I had no idea a woodpecker would eat from the nectar feeders. Amazing.... And that Rufous is a cutie.

We have lots of bats here--but they've never been to the nectar feeders... Interesting--from one place to another.

Love your interesting blog, Diane.

Phoenix C. said...

I've never seen any of these birds in real life! They are so different to the ones over here. Lovely.

Max said...

That broad-bill was probably banded at the site I assisted in April. Who knows, maybe it was one that I captured myself!

Max said...

-Also, I think your three mystery birds are an immature broad-billed (top), female Anna's (middle) and immature rufous or broad-tailed (bottom). Great photos!

Teri said...

GREAT photos!!!!!!!!!!!

Icy BC said...

Wow..hummingbird are so hard to take pictures of, and you've done an outstanding job! Great capture, Diane!

Kay said...

Fantastic photos.


Jen said...

The second one looks like a Ruby Throat female. That's about all we have here in KY.
My home in Tucson has a bat that hangs out on the back porch-yuck. I suppose I will have to contend with him when I set a feeder out there. :<

Stephanie said...

Beautiful little birds! Good shots of them. Have another adventurous day!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

You sure have active feeders Diane. We cannot buy those here so this summer I am going to try to make one and see what happens.

Cherry said...

wow! those are lovely birds. ;)

Gaelyn said...

Your hummer feeder sure stays busy. What fun to watch.

Prospero said...

That last shot is fantastic, Diane.

betchai said...

you have a wonderful backyard Diane, the birds not only visit you, they also pose for you :)

Maybe I should put a feeder at home too, so that when I go out whenever I hear them, they won't fly away from me as they hear my steps :)

Vickie said...

Wow, love the parade of birds at your hummer feeder! Love that first one. He/she looks so big compared to my little ruby throats.
On my list, a hummer field guide!

Ezhilan said...

Nice bird photos.I like the bird,who is doing some type of gymnastics.I like to watch the birds.

Anonymous said...

Lovely bird shots, wish I'd learn to do them too. I'm not always successful with them, gggrr....

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

Oh! These birds are sooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Building a New Home

Rajesh said...

Lovely birds. You have taken very nice shots of them.

Tes said...

Hi Diane! I had to come back because I showed your photos to my hubby! Fantastic!

yoon see said...

Hello Diane, this little birds are so unique.
I especially love the second one:)

Jeannette StG said...

Well caught! I have an artist friend who has done a whole series of hummingbird paintings on wood - that's what your last pic reminds me of!

Anonymous said...

That first hummingbird is very unique looking. It is quite exotic and has my full attention.

Ashley said...

Great hummingbird shots! Those little guys are really hard to get good images of, but they sure are beautiful!