Monday, September 21, 2009

Cactus Monday

“I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately...

to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach...

I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life...

and not when I had come to die discover that I had not lived.”

~Henry David Thoreau

For more nature inspired cactus posts visit Teri's Painted Daisies.


Leslie said...

Wonderful shots! It looks as if someone could use a napkin...

Sunny said...

Terrific pictures! I love how the cactus in the third one looks like a red heart. Lovely quote too.
Sunny :)

Cathy S. said...

Fabulous photos, love the birds in it! Happy CM!!


Stephanie said...

Good shots! That is definitely one hungry bird ;-)

Icy BC said...

Beautiful photos, Diane..and the quote from Henry David Thoreau stirs a string in my heart..

Happy Cactus Monday!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know there was a Cactus Monday. Cool...wish I could join but there isn't just enough of them here to photograph. Love the words of Thoreau. Nice pick.

Prospero said...

The birds are real experts when it come to avoiding cactus spines. It guess it comes from experience.. but that's living.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Love the cactus. Aren't House Finches just amazing how they have adapted to conditions all across the country.?. Happy CM.

Teri said...

I love this photo with that bird! Wonderful.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love the quote---and the pictures, Diane. They go together so well... Cute little finch (at least they look like finches)... That cactus os so pretty...


Carol said...

Beautiful photos of the cactus and bird. I made the mistake of picking one of those pretty flowers once...spent a long time picking little things out of my hand.

Jen said...

I think that is just what this Finch is doing.
Happy Cactus Monday to you!

Gaelyn said...

I love loosing myself in the woods. It takes more caution to suck the marrow of life in the desert. Nice captures. Great quote.

betchai said...

wonderful photos, the last one is just so amazing, yes, someone needs a napkin :)

the words that you chose fits perfectly the pictures.

yoon see said...

Wow! To me, these are everyday inspiring photo. I love nature, bird and plant.
Take care and Happy Cactus Monday.

Salitype said...

fantastic shots and beautiful quote to go with it..

i love cactus, they thrive on very little attention you gave to them so long as they stayed on well lit areas they're happy. that's something i should be thinking of as well.

Glynis Peters said...

Lovely shot! Our cacti fruit are ready now, so I will watch out for little visitors too.

penny said...

You captured such wonderful photos of the birds feeding on the cactus. And I love the quote from Thoreau...

Cherry said...

your cactus is always a monday delight! 'love it!

Lindy said...

Some very motivating words by Thoreau. As always, you've provided us viewers with a lovely and insightful view into desert life.

Leslie said...

Diane, I am visiting again to let you know I just awarded you the Kreativ Blogger Award. It was just given to me by a fellow blogger, and I was asked to pass it along to others I admire. Please come by my blog and pick it up!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful Quote. So many of us are holding on to death. If we could only appreciate what is New, and we could all come back to Life.

Jeannette StG said...

Wow Diane,
awesome pics, especially the little ones. I'm going to tell Sreddy from Joan's blog about these blooming cacti!

Phoenix C. said...

Wonderful photos, and I love the quote. So important to really live - what some people perceive as foolish decisions are actually the ones you look back on and think 'I'm so very very glad I made that choice!'

Tes said...

Oh wow, Diane! Those are really good shots! So clear! You are so fortunate to have your feathered friends around all the time! Beautiful creatures! :)

kesslerdee said...

Just wonderful- the words touched my heart and the pictures were perfect! Thanks!

Julie said...

How that big juicy tuna (fruit) on the cactus! You really do live in heaven! I adore Thoreau too! Lovely post!

SAPhotographs (Joan) said...

I love the quote and the text Diane. I am determined to live until I die.